Woman chases father-in-law on road, thrashes him with iron pipe, watch

Several reports of domestic violence surface every now and then. Even there are instances when either in-laws abuse women, or women abuse their in-laws. However, here we bring a video that shows a woman violently attacking her father-in-law on the road. 

Woman chases father-in-law on road, thrashes him with iron pipe, watch

There could be no family where the members don’t engage in an argument with each other. While some arguments come to an end after a while, others may turn worse. Arguments can start over either any big issue or over any small matter. However, at times, the situations turn pretty ugly which later triggers a fight.

Several reports of domestic violence surface every now and then. Even there are instances when either in-laws abuse women, or women abuse their in-laws. However, here we bring a video that shows a woman violently attacking her father-in-law on the road.