Baboon chases & defeats lion to save its troop; watch

Have you ever heard of lions getting attacked by a small animal? Lions do taste defeat and there are several instances that show lions getting defeated by larger animals. However, here we bring a video that shows a baboon attacking lion to save its troop.

Baboon chases & defeats lion to save its troop; watch

Lions are ferocious and powerful animals that give no chance to their prey to escape. Lions being the strongest are referred to as the ‘King’ of the forest. Its roar is enough to stream fear among anyone. It is quite impossible to escape from the deadly jaws of a lion. Lions chase their prey and maul them to death by crushing their necks.

But, have you ever heard of lions getting attacked by a small animal? Lions do taste defeat and there are several instances that show lions getting defeated by larger animals. However, here we bring a video that shows a baboon attacking lion to save its troop.