BJP activists resort to 'purification rituals' after BJD leader VK Pandian’s Bhadrak visit

Scores of men and women from Sri Bairagi Sishu Mandir took out a rally and reached the Saheed Padia and sprinkled cow dung and turmeric water on the entire area.

Purification rituals after VK Pandian's Bhadrak visit

There seems to be no let up in the ongoing attacks by the Opposition BJP on BJD leader and Ama Odisha, Nabin Odisha Chairman VK Pandian following the controversy surrounding social media influencer Kamiya Jani’s entry to Puri Lord Jagannath temple.

A day after Pandian visited ‘Shaheed Padia’ in Asurali in Bhadrak, BJP activists today 'purified' the place with water mixed with cow dung and turmeric. The leaders alleged that 'the martyrs’ soil got defiled by the visit of Pandian to the place who is promoting beef consumption on Odisha Chief Minister’s directions'.