Frequent Power Cuts At SCB Covid Ward Put Patients At Risk

While many Covid-19 infected persons including some serious patients are undergoing treatment at the special Covid ward of SCB Medical College and Hospital, frequent and unscheduled power cuts left many of them on edge on Sunday evening.

frequent power cut at SCB cOVID WARD

News Summary

Power supply snapped five times between 8 pm and 11 pm

No alternative arrangement was made to ensure electricity supply

Serious covid patients are being treated at the ward

Cuttack: While many Covid-19 infected persons including some serious patients are undergoing treatment at the special Covid ward of SCB Medical College and Hospital, frequent and unscheduled power cuts left many of them on edge on Sunday evening.

Expressing serious resentment over the power outage at the premier hospital, kin of the patients waiting outside the isolation ward alleged that the hospital authorities had turned mute even as the institute witnessed around five times load shedding within a span of four hours.