Cracked lips spoiling your smile, these lip balms will bring it back for sure

Our eyes and lips are considered to be the most crucial elements on the face, since they are the communicators of our expressions. Lips are an extremely delicate, pink tissue that surrounds the oral structure of the mouth and needs protection.

Lip balms hydrates dry lips and keeps them soft.

Lips are one of the most attractive parts of our body - from making our smile beautiful to helping us pout for selfies, perfect lips can steal all the attention. But what are perfect lips? The ones that are healthy, of course. 

Our fragile lips get easily affected by the physical extraneous variables present in the natural environment - such as pollution, dust, sunlight, dirty hands, handkerchiefs and so on. They sometimes get trapped between teeth and can frequently be mistaken for food (remember all that biting of the lip when you’re scared or nervous).