Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Multiple alternatives to cow's milk are now available in the market.
  • On World Milk Day today here are a few such alternatives that you can try.

Skipping dairy for health purposes like being lactose intolerant or for losing weight is now a common thing. Nowadays, there are multiple alternatives to cow and buffalo milk that you can choose from. Plant-based milk products are rich in proteins and nutrients and are good for those who are allergic to dairy products.

On World Milk Day today, here are a few alternatives to cow's milk for those who are lactose intolerant or who simply do not like dairy products:

Soy milk

Soy milk has been one of the most popular alternatives to milk in the last few decades because its nutrient profile is almost similar to that of cow’s milk. It is available in various flavours like vanilla and strawberry and can be a good alternative for kids who make a fuss over drinking their morning cup of cow or buffalo milk.

Cashew milk

Prepared by churning cashew nuts and water to form a creamy drink, Cashew milk is very low in calories and is an ideal milk substitute for those who want to consume fewer calories. However, its very little protein content can be a reason why it is preferred only in milk-based recipes and is not served as a drink in place of cow’s milk which has a much better protein profile.

Oat milk

It is prepared by mixing milk and oats at home. But if you are buying packaged oat milk then it comes with lots of added chemicals like salt, oils, and gums to get desired texture and taste. It has a naturally sweet taste and moderate flavour and can be used as an alternative to cow’s milk in various cuisines and for smoothies and cereals. Oats milk and cow’s milk have similar calories but have two times more carbs and only half times the fat and protein.

Rice milk

If you want an alternative to cow’s milk that has a neutral flavour then you must try rice milk. However, it is less creamy but its nutrient profile can be boosted by adding supplements to it.

Almond milk

It is one of the best alternatives for cow’s milk as it is thicker and creamier than other milk alternatives and contains healthy and unsaturated fats. Made by pulverizing water and almonds, it is naturally rich in vitamins and other necessary elements which makes it the healthiest option.
