What is Atlantic diet? Can it help lose weight and improve health?

Studies indicate that the Atlantic diet has many things in common with the Mediterranean diet. It mainly emphasises consuming seasonal, fresh, and local foods.

Atlantic Diet

News Summary

A new diet is currently in vogue.

The Atlantic diet helps you to drop bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol.

A new diet is currently in vogue. After intermittent fasting, the Mediterranean diet, the Keto diet, and so many other fad diets now Atlantic diet is currently trending among diet-conscious people. So what exactly is this diet all about and is it effective in lowering belly fat?

Studies indicate that the Atlantic diet has many things in common with the Mediterranean diet. It mainly emphasises consuming seasonal, fresh, and local foods including vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil, cereals, and dairy products. Apart from helping you lose weight, the Atlantic diet also helps you to drop bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol. Thus, it has been found to offer multiple health benefits.