Trying a detox? Things you need to know before that

After the usual snacking and junk eating during the festivities and vacationing, more often people opt for a detox. But is it effective?

detox diet

News Summary

Detox process involves using some product, diets or fad methods for getting rid of toxins.

Relying on detox products can lead to a sudden weight loss but it may not be sustainable.

After the usual snacking and junk eating during the festivities and vacationing, more often people opt for a detox. Going on a fruit juice diet or drinking herbal teas are the usual ways in which many try to cleanse their colon and liver and lose those extra kilos added during the holidays. However, this sudden move to detox can also prove harmful and can hit back in a negative way.

You must know certain things before you start that detoxification process that is so common nowadays.