Just 4.5 minutes of vigorous activity daily may reduce cancer risk: Study

In the study, published in JAMA Oncology the team used data from wearable devices to track the daily activity of over 22,000 'non-exercisers' who were followed till seven years to monitor for 13 cancer sites associated with physical activity. 

Just 4.5 minutes of vigorous activity daily may reduce cancer risk: Study

A total of just 4.5 minutes of vigorous activity, lasting one minute each, that makes you huff and puff during daily tasks could reduce the risk of some cancers by up to 32 per cent, suggest a promising new research.

The study led by researchers at the University of Sydney showed that Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity (VILPA), described as the very short bursts of activity -- around one minute each -- such as housework, carrying heavy shopping around the grocery store, bursts of power walking or playing high-energy games with the kids can have tremendous benefit for health.