Bird Flu strikes India again; Know symptoms, precautions and more in detail

H9N2 infection has once again hit India. The first case was reported in 2019. Now World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that a new patient has been diagnosed with the H9N2 virus in India.

Bird Flu

News Summary

The infection called Avian Influenza or Bird flu is caused due to avian birds.

If not treated on time it can become a severe disease.

H9N2 infection has once again hit India. The first case was reported in 2019. Now World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that a new patient has been diagnosed with the H9N2 virus in India. The child who is currently undergoing treatment in the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) locally in West Bengal reported severe respiratory issues. Also, a two-and-a-half-year-old girl was found positive for bird flu in Australia who had earlier traveled to India.

How the infection of bird flu does spread?