5 foods high in sodium that people with hypertension must avoid in summer

Eating foods with high sodium content can increase blood pressure levels which is the main cause of hypertension.

spinach, pickles

News Summary

Green leafy vegetables like spinach are high in sodium and hence should be eaten in moderation by people with hypertension.

Canned and processed foods are also high in sodium content.

High blood pressure is the cause of hypertension. Heavy official workload, desk jobs, and a sedentary lifestyle has now made high blood pressure very common even among youngsters. While hypertension cannot be cured completely it can be kept in control with proper medications, exercise, and eating the right type of food.

Table salt is a complete no for people with hypertension. However, there are certain foods that also have high sodium content. And since high sodium intake increases blood pressure levels, you must avoid including such foods in your diet.