Global Day of Parents: Changing dynamics of parenting in the modern times

Parenting in modern times is very challenging. With nuclear families becoming a new normal in urban cities, parents are struggling to spare enough time for their children.

Global Parents Day

News Summary

Global Day of Parents is celebrated every year on June 1.

The focus of parenting now should be on reducing the screen time of the children.

Parenting in modern times is very challenging. With nuclear families becoming a new normal in urban cities, parents are struggling to spare enough time for their children hustling between their schools, careers, and office timings. Apart from that exposure to the entire world through the internet at a very young age has made children more tech-savvy as well as confused.

The excess information that they take in is sometimes not processed in the right way due to a lack of maturity and understanding. And that is why parents need to keep a keen eye on how much access their young children have to the internet.