Madhubala was a big star in Greece during 50s; Watch song dedicated to her at Athens 2004 Olympics

During the 50s and 60s, Madhubala became very famous in Greece and even had a song called 'Mandoubala' dedicated to her that solved over 100,000 copies.


News Summary

During the 50s and 60s, Indian cinema had a mass influence on the working class of Greece.

Bollywood actress Madhubala was considered by the Greeks as their Aphrodite.

Madhubala is the most beautiful actress ever to grace the Indian silver screen. Even today, decades after her death she is considered the eternal beauty of Indian cinema and still remains in the hearts of millions of Indians. While Indian cinema is slowly gaining worldwide recognition as well as overwhelming response, awards, and appreciation, Madhubala had already achieved the same during the 50s with her beauty and quintessential charm.

Her poise, smile, and expressions had won the hearts of millions of connoisseurs of beauty. What’s more, she was considered a legend in Greece at that time and even a song was dedicated to her.