Aditya Narayan's controversial concert: What exactly happened? Event manager spills beans

Aditya Narayan was badly trolled for his conduct on stage recently as clips of the singer hitting a fan and throwing his phone surfaced online.

Aditya Narayan

News Summary

Aditya Narayan received a lot of hate on social media recently.

Netizens slammed him after a clip showed him hitting a fan and throwing away his phone surfaced online.

Now the event manager of the concert has opened up about what exactly happened during the show.

Aditya Narayan was badly trolled for his conduct on stage as clips of the singer hitting a fan and throwing his phone surfaced online. Although what the reality show host did was very wrong everyone reacted without knowing the exact reason behind this misconduct from Aditya.

Now the event manager who was a part of most of the arrangement of this concert held in Rungta College, Bhillai in Chhattisgarh has shared some details about the entire situation.