IAS Ritika Jindal: Inspiring story of grit and determination that helped her crack UPSC despite father's cancer

She was only 22 when she cracked the UPSC exam and became one of India’s youngest civil servants. However, her journey to becoming an IAS officer wasn’t easy as her father was diagnosed with mouth cancer while she was preparing for UPSC.

IAS Ritika Jindal: Inspiring story of grit and determination that helped her crack UPSC despite father's cancer

The results of the Civil Services Exam (CSE) 2023 have finally come out and aspirants can now view and download their ranks from the official website of the UPSC. Several candidates have finally made their dreams come true while others have been left heartbroken.

As the dream of several aspirants whose dream of becoming an IAS has come true, let us know the inspiring journey of IAS Ritika Jindal, who overcame several obstacles and secured an impressive All India Rank (AIR)-88.