Covid-19 Creates Hearing, Balance Disorders, Worsens Tinnitus: Study

The factors that may play a role in the relationship between Covid-19 and hearing are multifold. Covid-19 is known to have inflammatory effects, including in neurological tissue, which can exacerbate other problems, said Colleen Le Prell, from the University of Texas at Dallas.

Covid-19 Creates Hearing, Balance Disorders, Worsens Tinnitus: Study

News Summary

"Inflammation can damage the auditory and vestibular pathways in the peripheral and central nervous system, just as it damages smell and taste pathways, and other neural systems."

"Increases in tinnitus bothersomeness were associated with reports of pandemic-related loneliness, sleep troubles, anxiety, depression, irritability, and financial worries."

New York: After loss of taste, respiratory distress, researchers have found evidence that Covid-19 also leads to hearing and balance disorders, as well as aggravating tinnitus symptoms.

The factors that may play a role in the relationship between Covid-19 and hearing are multifold. Covid-19 is known to have inflammatory effects, including in neurological tissue, which can exacerbate other problems, said Colleen Le Prell, from the University of Texas at Dallas.