AstraZeneca admits Covishield vaccine may cause rare side effects: 10 shocking things to know

AstraZeneca acknowledged that its Covid-19 vaccine, Covishield, might cause rare side effects like blood clots and low platelet counts. This admission came during a UK court case where victims are seeking damages. Developed with Oxford University and sold globally, the vaccine's safety has led to its suspension in the UK.

Covishield vaccine

In a significant turn, AstraZeneca has admitted that its Covid-19 vaccine can cause rare side effects. Their vaccine Covishield can lead to blood clots and low platelet count, the vaccine-maker said for the first time in court.

Shockingly, Covishield was developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University and sold globally including India. The shocking confession comes after AstraZeneca faced a class action lawsuit in UK over claims that its vaccine caused deaths and severe injuries.