94% Infection In Youths; Know Why 'Delta' Covid Variant Is A Big Concern For Schools In Odisha

As per the limited data with Public Health England, 27 of 36 persons infected by Delta-plus belong to the younger age-group. Delta variant with high re-infection and secondary attack rate poses a big concern for Odisha too. With a change in early symptoms, it is considered highly risky for schools

How Delta variant is Highly risky for Odisha?

News Summary

The early main symptoms of the Delta variant now are only headaches, sore throat, runny nose, and no fever. The concern is many children can gloss over it as a bad cold. And late testing could have serious repercussions on the life of the patient, studies reveal.

Even as Odisha has been home to around 158 Covid-19 variants, it's the Delta variant that has triggered the second wave in the State. The variant has dominated in nearly 85 per cent of the samples sequenced for the genome in the State. The big concern is behavioural studies by Public Health England reveal a higher re-infection chance by the Delta variant.

Moreover, when India has reported 6 cases of its upgraded version Delta-Ay.1 or Delta+, the Public Health England study finds that of the 36 cases reported globally, 27 have a vaccinated status.