What has love got to do with hydration

Even 24 hours seems less in this busy lifestyle! The never-ending everyday hassles make people take less or negligible care of themselves, letting hydration slip out of control. But lack of water consumption and inadequate intake of nutrients and water-rich foods can lead to dehydration and also upset your love life.

Dehydration upset your love life.

Surprisingly, dehydration hampers your love or bedroom life. Even slight dehydration leads to headaches, frequent mood swings, anxiety, irritation, exhaustion, and can have problems in your love life. Your libido can reduce too. The lack of lubrication that libido brings remains absent, causing no excitement. 

A 2011 British study found a correlation between stress and water. Whereas according to Patricia Johnson, co-author of Partners in Passion: A Guide to Great Sex, Emotional Intimacy, and Long-term Love, "Being sufficiently hydrated is important for female sexual response, to facilitate natural lubrication which makes it easier to experience orgasms."