Zero-calorie foods to negative calories, myth vs reality

Today, being healthy has a more defined notion, such as losing weight and having a perfect physique with a lean body. Given this, managing the daily calorie intake becomes people's top priority and zero-calorie foods help in achieving this goal.

Lowest calorie foods help you get back in shape.

But zero-calorie foods do not exist. Taken aback? The term "negative-calorie foods" is also a misconception. Ice cubes or water are the only genuinely calorie-free food or beverage. Although water has no calories, you lose 8 calories for every eight ounces of ice water you drink since your body uses energy to maintain 98 degrees.

Then why do the companies claim the foods have "no calories" or "0 calories" instead of labelling them as "low-calorie foods?" The manufacturers are legally permitted by the FDA to claim anything with fewer than five calories as being calorie-free.