Infertility-Related Issues Are Man-Made & Can Be Reversed With Lifestyle Changes

New Delhi: Infertility is mostly man-made and it can be reversed to a certain extent if we make a few changes in our lifestyle and try to live a little bit as we lived in the good old times, says Dr Shanujeet Kaur, Senior Consultant – Gynecologist and Fertility expert at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, […]


New Delhi: Infertility is mostly man-made and it can be reversed to a certain extent if we make a few changes in our lifestyle and try to live a little bit as we lived in the good old times, says Dr Shanujeet Kaur, Senior Consultant - Gynecologist and Fertility expert at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Chandigarh.

There have been two major changes in our societal fabric in the past decade or so. First is the shift from joint families to nuclear families which translates into a lack of help from family members in raising our children and demands sacrificing at least one person's career, in most cases the woman, to take care of the baby. So the couple keeps postponing pregnancy and hence the rise in the number of DINKs (double income no kids) couples.