Odisha CPET-2020 Merit List Released; Khushi Agrawal Overall Topper

Bhubaneswar: Khushi Agrawal has topped the overall list of the Odisha Common PG Entrance Test (CPET-2020), which was published by the State Higher Education department on Saturday. The higher education department has released the list of toppers in 83 subjects. Khusi Agrawal was adjudged the overall topper with 91.29% in Statistics subject and Ipsita Mohapatra […]

Odisha CPET-2020 Merit List Released; Khushi Agrawal Overall Topper

Bhubaneswar: Khushi Agrawal has topped the overall list of the Odisha Common PG Entrance Test (CPET-2020), which was published by the State Higher Education department on Saturday.

The higher education department has released the list of toppers in 83 subjects. Khusi Agrawal was adjudged the overall topper with 91.29% in Statistics subject and Ipsita Mohapatra with 89.97% in Geology secured the second position. Similarly, Sudipta Pattanaik has secured top position in Sanskrit with 90.1375%.