US Presidential Election 2020: Trump Projected Winner In 7 States, Biden Gets 8

New York: In a burst of projected results an hour after the first poll closings, US President Donald Trump has won in the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana, while his Democratic rival Joe Biden won in Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island. The projections, […]


New York: In a burst of projected results an hour after the first poll closings, US President Donald Trump has won in the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana, while his Democratic rival Joe Biden won in Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

The projections, a combination of races called by multiple television networks and The Associated Press (AP), are on fairly expected lines so far while US voters remain glued to the crucial Florida numbers even as the more typical results trickle in.