UN body declines consultative status to Fai KAC

Washington: A United Nations body has declined to accord special consultative status to the organisation of Kashmiri separatist Ghulam Nabi Fai, who has been arrested and charged for illegal lobbying for Pakistan. The Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, entrusted with the task of granting special consultative status to non-governmental organisations has removed the more than decade-old […]

Washington: A United Nations body has declined to accord special consultative status to the organisation of Kashmiri separatist Ghulam Nabi Fai, who has been arrested and charged for illegal lobbying for Pakistan.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations, entrusted with the task of granting special consultative status to non-governmental organisations has removed the more than decade-old accreditation application of Kashmir American Council (KAC) headed by Fai.