Sierra Leone to be declared ebola-free

London: Sierra Leone is expected to be declared ebola-free by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Saturday, when it will have gone 42 days without any fresh case of the virus, the media reported on Tuesday. In Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown, doctors who led the fight against the disease that first hit the country in […]

London: Sierra Leone is expected to be declared ebola-free by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Saturday, when it will have gone 42 days without any fresh case of the virus, the media reported on Tuesday.

In Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown, doctors who led the fight against the disease that first hit the country in May 2014 said lessons had to be learned from Liberia, where one isolated case, thought to have been transmitted sexually, was recorded weeks after the country was declared ebola-free in May, The Guardian reported.