24 sentenced to death for massacre of Iraqi soldiers

Baghdad: An Iraqi court on Wednesday sentenced 24 people to death over charges of killing about 1,700 soldiers when the Islamic State (IS) militants seized the city of Tikrit, the capital of Salahudin province, in June 2014, a judicial spokesman said. “The Central Criminal Court issued a verdict on Wednesday to execute 24 defendants by […]

death sentence

Baghdad: An Iraqi court on Wednesday sentenced 24 people to death over charges of killing about 1,700 soldiers when the Islamic State (IS) militants seized the city of Tikrit, the capital of Salahudin province, in June 2014, a judicial spokesman said.

"The Central Criminal Court issued a verdict on Wednesday to execute 24 defendants by hanging after it was proved that they were involved in the Speicher massacre," said Abdul Sattar al-Biraqdar, spokesman for Iraq's Supreme Judicial Council.