These four miscreants were arrested by Berhampur Police on charges of deception after they resorted to begging by faking disability. For last few years, all four had been begging in Berhampur Municipal Corporation area in the disguise of Divyangs with crutches in hand. All the accused - Ajay Kumar, Anil Kumar, Mero, and Jashobant Kumar, are from Sultanpur of Uttar Pradesh. Two of them were begging at Kamapalli Chhak on Wednesday when they caught the attention of police. Their activities raised police suspicion. Upon interrogation, the two revealed their true colours and were found to be quite normal. Playing divyangs while begging evoked the sympathy of the people, they admitted.  Later two others were arrested. All four persons were arrested for faking disability to beg on the streets.  Police have registered a case of deception and produced them in court. Berhampur SP said that an investigation is underway to check their antecedents.