Since outbreak, Covid-19 has spread its tentacles to every nook and corner of the globe. But there is a village in Odisha which has managed to keep the lethal menace completely at bay. This seems hard to believe but it’s true. The virulent virus has failed to infect even a single person in Ravanaguda village of Sonepur district.

As per reports, so far Covid-19 testing camps have been set up in the village on three occasions and every time the villagers ensured none of them is detected positive. They have not allowed Covid-19 to enter their village and homes, thanks to their awareness and caution.

With a population of around 150, the village frequently organizes awareness campaigns where the ASHA and ANM workers brief them about Covid-appropriate behavior. The ASHA workers also distribute masks and sanitizers to the villagers.

Following protocols and maintaining Covid-appropriate behavior has been the main reason the village has been safe, said an ASHA worker of the village.

"We are all maintaining social distancing. We frequently wash our hands with soaps and take proper care of sanitation. We don’t step out when there is no requirement. Even if we go we maintain proper social distancing which made sure the virus did not hit us. The pandemic has caused havoc across the world but due to our villagers’ caution approach and awareness, not a single person in our village has tested positive for the virus. I have myself tested three times but haven’t tested positive even once. In our village, others have also tested but none was detected positive," said Sudarshan Singh Bariha, a local.

Medical Officer Partha Pratim Panda said, "I would like to congratulate the villagers because it is a matter of pride that not a single case of Covid-19 has been detected from their village so far. I would like give the credit of this achievement to the entire village including villagers, Sarpanch. I would like to thank ASHA workers, ANM workers and the Health Staff for creating awareness. Each of them deserves special praise."