This is no ordinary man that you see on stage. He surely seems like a promising performer, entertaining the audience, but what one might not know is that this captivating actor is not a professional.

You will be amazed to know that he is in fact, a doctor. He is a renowned Gynaecologist and Obstetrician from Bolangir city, Dr. Rudra Narayan Patel.

His profession as a doctor did not lessen his love and passion for acting. He has performed on many occasions and he was recently applauded for his performance where he played Ravan in an act.

He successfully managed to revive the tradition of dance and drama in Ramjipada that had been discontinued for years.

Despite all of this, his passion does not interfere with his profession during the day. Along with this, he also shares a love for music. His dedication to keep the tradition alive is highly appreciated by the locals.