Distressing scenes of alleged apathy surfaced from Malkangiri.

A man was seen carrying his ailing mother on a trolley to the office of the district Collector in Malkangiri to vent his grievances.

Deepak Dey of Malkangiri APV-41 village leveled allegations against Tata Power that the company officials are acting as per their whims. According to reports, after Deepak defaulted in payment of electricity bills, power supply to his home was disconnected.

Deepak’s mother is a patient and needs oxygen support and a cooler for fresh air. However, even after clearing the pending bills, officials of the power distribution company allegedly did not restore electricity connection, which worsened the health of his mother.

On the other hand, Executive Engineer of TPSODL (Tata Power Southern Odisha Distribution Limited), Malkangiri has refuted the allegations. Later, Police and power discom officials pacified Deepak and admitted his mother to hospital. They also assured to restore the power supply at the earliest.


Video Editor: Surendra Pradhan

Producer: Diptyranjita Patra