Sixty two-year-old PP Jacob, a retired employee from Cochin Port Trust’s fire service department, is ON A MISSION. While on his morning walk every day, Jacob carries a hand pump and sprays insecticides in the open drainages along the way to kill mosquitoes. 

Mosquito population was extremely high in Palluruthy at Kochi where Jacob lives. Two weeks back when his friends accompanying him in the morning walk complained about mosquito menace, Jacob started spraying insecticides for 2 hours a day. Not just in open drains, Jacob sprayed it in market areas, auto rickshaw stands and other vulnerable places. Locals have thanked Jacob for his efforts, saying there has been a decrease in the mosquito population now. 

With complaints falling on deaf ears, Jacob says he is doing this to open the eyes of the corporation authorities. 

Well, needless to say, his efforts were noticed and administration came up with a decision to resolve the issue. After 30 years, Kochi Corporation and Vector Control Research Unit will jointly work to control rising mosquito menace in the city, sources said.