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During the recent Adobe MAX 2023 event in Los Angeles, Adobe showed off a high-tech new garment that uses non-emissive textiles with reflective, light diffuser modules named Project Primrose.

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Kulhad pizza
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You must have had different varieties of pizza, but have you ever heard of this dish being served in a clay pot or kulhad?

New Year Good Or Bad?
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The week leading to New Year 2022 is a near-perfect one for almost all the zodiac signs. While life may throw a few challenges, caution can keep all dangers at a safe distance. As per observations and analysis made by astrologer Neeraj Dhankher, this week from December 27 to January 2, 2022 will be eventful for many.

Weekly horoscope
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All good things will unfold for Aries this coming week. No doubt things will be productive for others but luck may not favour some. Wondering how your next seven days would be?

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During the recent Adobe MAX 2023 event in Los Angeles, Adobe showed off a high-tech new garment that uses non-emissive textiles with reflective, light diffuser modules named Project Primrose.

Kulhad pizza
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You must have had different varieties of pizza, but have you ever heard of this dish being served in a clay pot or kulhad?
