India is about to experience the last lunar eclipse of 2023 on 28th October. The moon will fall in the penumbra shadow of the earth on October 28, and it will enter the umbra shadow region in the early hours of Sunday. On Sunday, October 29, the lunar eclipse will begin at 1:05 am and end at 2:24 am — lasting for approximately 1 hour and 19 minutes. Along with India, the eclipse will be visible in west pacific region, Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa and south-east America. Lunar eclipse can only happen during full moon when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned in a straight line, with the Earth in the middle. However, the hours of lunar eclipse are considered an inauspicious event. Thus, lunar eclipse occurring on the same day as of Kumar Purnima has triggered confusion regarding the rituals. According to astrologers, girls can perform the rituals of Kumar Purnima before paka tyaga i.e., prohibition of cooking from afternoon 4 hour, 4 minutes and 55 seconds onwards or else they can wait till the eclipse is over. The rituals at Puri Jagannath Temple and Lord Sudarshan’s ashram visit rites are also fixed to be completed before 4 PM. The flag changing rituals of Maa Sameleswari will be conducted before 2 PM. The temple will be opened for darshan for the devotees till 3:15 pm.