This is Ramgopal Bagha of Urle village under Binika NAC of Subarnapur district. Ramgopal is 59 years old and has been working in Binika NAC & serving the society for the last 33 years. During this COVID19 pandemic, when the dead are ignored & abandoned, Ramgopal ensures they get a dignified funeral.

During the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic Ramgopal is providing a unique service to the people. He is providing free wood for cremation of people dying of Covid-19 or any other causes. The stigma around Covid-19 is such that even the family members aren't willing to go near the bodies. However, Ramgopal has risen above all notions of stigma around the disease and is providing free wood for cremation.

He says, he gets a sense of peace by contributing to the society in this manner. Ramgopal has also managed to provide employment to 5 daily wage workers for assisting him in his endeavor. Ramgopal Bagha started this unique initiative two months ago in Binika's Papakhaya Ghat. He has assisted in the cremation of 30 bodies by providing wood.