For singers, instrumentalists and other entertainers, every year the festive season turns out to be the most awaited phase of the year, thanks to hundreds of puja pandal organisers who invite them to perform on their stage and showcase the talent before audience.

Not that the rest of the year is gloomy, but the period between Ganesh Chaturthi and New Year is godsend for all music artistes in Odisha. It is during these five months that they make the most of their skills, earn more and save a few bucks for the next seven months.

But after the pandemic outbreak last year and the subsequent restrictions on public gathering, the life of these artistes turned completely upside down. Needless to say, the tune of the musicians failed to tune with the pandemic strictures.

Every time they think the countdown to hit stage has begun, they are reminded of the Covid waves, which allegedly hasn't been an obstruction for other sectors. Almost all the professional singers and musicians have become victims of the financial crunch in this pandemic.

While some artistes switched to vegetable hawking, a few others took up odd jobs and opened makeshift shops to sell facemasks. Shockingly, several musicians in Ganjam district have left the state to work as daily wage labourers outside for survival.

Not knowing what to do, many artistes had to sell off their musical instruments and other equipment to make some money to run their family. The instruments are their only source of income but the prolonged ban on musical concerts, programmes and social gatherings left them with no other choice.

Recently, Odisha Music Artistes’ Welfare Association (OMAWA) had gathered in Bhubaneswar to stage unique protest by singing songs along the streets of the capital city.

Citing that most of the artistes come from financially backward sections, music teacher from Berhampur and a senior member of OMAWA, Ganesh Patnaik has urged the government to ease restrictions imposed on Ganesh Puja celebrations and give back the musicians what they truly deserve, A STAGE TO PERFORM.