World Radiography Day is observed every year on November 8 to commemorate the discovery of x-radiation by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Nowadays, apart from X-rays, many more different types of imaging techniques are used for tracking down health anomalies and problems. That is why, today radiography has become a mainstay of most diagnoses in the medical world. X-rays have changed the way health problems are diagnosed X-rays introduced the technique to see inside the body and diagnose diseases, broken bones, torn ligaments, and so many other things. Radiations are used by the X-ray machine to look inside the body and check the presence of foreign objects and the development of unwanted growth. With the help of X-ray reports, the health experts can diagnose the health issue in a better way and prescribe appropriate treatment. That is why most doctors rely on radiographers who provide accurate test results and help the physicians take the right steps without any delay thereby many times even saving the life of the patient.