The year was 2019 and the month was December. The world was gearing up for the festive season when the merriment came to grinding halt by the outbreak of a unique virulent infection. It was Covid-19 that was first reported in China and spread throughout the globe like a wildfire. Four years later, the virus is still here with its many evolutionary forms. However, visible evolution of Covid-19 was seen in the winter month of December. In December 2020, there were three big mutations of the virus, Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), and Gamma (P.1). After a year, in December 2021, the Omicron variant forced another world-wide lockdown with second wave of the novel Corona virus infection. Following the same pattern in December 2022, there was a surge in Covid-19 cases by BA.2 and BA.5 sub-variants of Omicron. Fast forward to this year, we are witnessing a surge in world wide Covid-19 cases again, courtesy the JN.1 sub-lineage of Omicron.

If one draws parallels between the patterns, is there any relation between the surge of Covid-19 infections and the month December? Several studies have pointed out that the cold and dry condition provides a habitat to the Covid-19 virus. Even study published by Journal Nature analyzed that weather conditions affect the rate of spread of Covid-19 infection. Several studies also suggest that the cold weather gives stability to the virus to evolve in the winter season. Researchers at China’s Sichuan International Studies University also second the hypothesis. In addition to this, the holiday season also witnesses increased social gathering and international travel. Thus, the Covid variants find more carrier options. Meanwhile, experts have stated that there is no need to panic but they also stressed upon usage of face mask, vaccination and sanitization.