AITA drops Bhupathi, Bopanna

New Delhi: Sending out a strong message that indiscipline will not be tolerated, the AITA today dropped Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna from the the Davis Cup team for the upcoming tie against New Zealand and blooded youngsters to prepare the side for the future. Veteran Leander Paes and singles exponent Somdev Devvarman were not […]

New Delhi: Sending out a strong message that indiscipline will not be tolerated, the AITA today dropped Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna from the the Davis Cup team for the upcoming tie against New Zealand and blooded youngsters to prepare the side for the future.

Veteran Leander Paes and singles exponent Somdev Devvarman were not considered after they made themselves unavailable for the tie, scheduled for September 14-16 in Chandigarh.