This Video Of Dog Trying To Rescue Her Puppies Is Soul-Stirring!

Upon hearing the frantic cry, members of Animal Aid Unlimited sensed something foul and immediately rushed to the spot to find a stray dog trying to dig her puppies out of the debris of a collapsed house. The video, which has gone viral on social media has garnered over 16 lakh views on YouTube. In the video, the stray dog […]


Upon hearing the frantic cry, members of Animal Aid Unlimited sensed something foul and immediately rushed to the spot to find a stray dog trying to dig her puppies out of the debris of a collapsed house. The video, which has gone viral on social media has garnered over 16 lakh views on YouTube.

In the video, the stray dog can be seen whining near a particular area. Following which, the rescuer reaches the spot and starts removing the stone and rubble. The worried mother, too, gives her best to help the rescuer in removing the rubble till the time the shrill cries of the puppies could be heard.