Op-Ed: Will Dama Rout’s saffron gambit pay off?

As defections go, this one is certainly the mother of all defections. Dr. Damodar Rout, the self-proclaimed disciple of Biju Patnaik, lifelong socialist and trenchant critic of the BJP brand of politics till just a few weeks ago, has dived headlong into the ‘lotus’ pond in what can only be described as a desperate gambit […]


As defections go, this one is certainly the mother of all defections. Dr. Damodar Rout, the self-proclaimed disciple of Biju Patnaik, lifelong socialist and trenchant critic of the BJP brand of politics till just a few weeks ago, has dived headlong into the ‘lotus’ pond in what can only be described as a desperate gambit to stay politically relevant. In a supreme irony, the man who inducted him to the party happened to be the man he has called all kinds of names in the past.

“Lotus does not bloom in saline water,” the 75-year old Dama Babu had replied in his characteristic, idiom-laced style when asked about the chances of the BJP in his area. Now the same man has said, without batting an eyelid, that he knows “how to make lotus bloom in saline water!”