Will A Change of Guard Help Odisha Congress?

The signals emerging from the series of meetings Odisha Congress leaders have had with party vice president Rahul Gandhi in the last week or so make one thing clear: it is all over bar the shouting for Prasad Harichandan. They also suggest that he is most likely to be replaced by Niranjan Patnaik, who was […]


The signals emerging from the series of meetings Odisha Congress leaders have had with party vice president Rahul Gandhi in the last week or so make one thing clear: it is all over bar the shouting for Prasad Harichandan. They also suggest that he is most likely to be replaced by Niranjan Patnaik, who was removed as PCC chief in 2013 under circumstances that are still a mystery. But the big question is whether a change of guard – with Niranjan or someone else – at this stage will really help.

When Prasad took over in December 2014, the air was thick with expectations. Here was a young, erudite and non-controversial leader who had given a very good account of himself as a legislator and a minister. More importantly, he was believed to have the ears of Rahul, the Congress No. 2 and the man who actually looked after the affairs of the party in the state. There was precious little ground to oppose him. Prasad too began very well making all the right noises with his ‘We, not I’ slogan promising a complete break with the factionalism that has become endemic in the state unit of the Congress.