Commissionerate Police, Fire Brigade, hospital authorities alert for Holi

Bhubaneswar: Adequate security arrangements have been done by the Commissionerate Police today to celebrate a safe and secure Holi. Protection of environment has been given priority by the police as for the first time it has imposed restrictions on commercial Holi. The police have started vigorous raids on illegal liquor business in the twin city. […]

Security arrangements for Holi

Bhubaneswar: Adequate security arrangements have been done by the Commissionerate Police today to celebrate a safe and secure Holi. Protection of environment has been given priority by the police as for the first time it has imposed restrictions on commercial Holi. The police have started vigorous raids on illegal liquor business in the twin city.

Along with normal police patrolling, special static and mobile patrolling is being done by the Commissionerate Police in the twin city on occassion of Holi. Police Commissioner YB Khurania said that the police are prepared to face any type of unpleasant circumstances.