City in Warps: Cuttack

THERE could possibly be no better topic to start a column with than one’s own city, Cuttack in my case. Born here, I haven’t spent more than six to eight months at a stretch outside, not once. Remember the frog in the well or “the wellsian frog” as R.K. Narayan had named it. I am […]


THERE could possibly be no better topic to start a column with than one’s own city, Cuttack in my case. Born here, I haven’t spent more than six to eight months at a stretch outside, not once. Remember the frog in the well or “the wellsian frog” as R.K. Narayan had named it. I am one such frog with Cuttack as my well.

I have a love-loathe relationship with my well, er, no, my city. I love this city because this is the only place on which I can stake claim, with some confidence, as mine. But that is not the only reason for my infatuation, there are several others. I shall come to these in a minute. I loathe the city for the untidy appearance of her and the somnolent attitude of those who inhabit her.