Shocking! Lion attacks zookeeper for making eye contact, lioness intervenes; watch

Recently, a video surfaced on the internet that shows a lion attacking a zookeeper within its enclosure. However, a lioness intervenes and tries to prevent the lion from attacking. Watch the video and the shocking instances.

Shocking! Lion attacks zookeeper for making eye contact, lioness intervenes; watch

Animal behaviour is inherently unpredictable, especially in the wild. Majestic predators like lions are governed by primal instincts that can lead to sudden and surprising actions. Their behaviour can change in an instant, influenced by factors like hunger, competition and threat. Thus, it is advisable to respect their space and maintain distance from them. However, things could be different for wild animals dwelling in captivity. But, that doesn't mean they won't lose their cool and turn aggressive.

Recently, a video surfaced on the internet that shows a lion attacking a zookeeper within its enclosure. However, a lioness intervenes and tries to prevent the lion from attacking.