Cuteness overloaded: Playful baby elephants will make your day, watch

Babies are innocent and quite playful, be they animals or humans. They are more friendly as they have the least experience and tend to be curious to explore their nature. However, the behaviour of wild animals towards humans is unpredictable. But, in sanctuaries or zoos, you must have come across babies of different animal species that are quite playful and create a close bond with humans.

Cuteness overloaded: Playful baby elephants will make your day, watch

Babies are innocent and quite playful, be they animals or humans. They are more friendly as they have the least experience and tend to be curious to explore their nature. However, the behaviour of wild animals towards humans is unpredictable. But, in sanctuaries or zoos, you must have come across babies of different animal species that are quite playful and create a close bond with humans.

Here we bring a few videos that show elephant calves and their playful activities. The videos with overloaded cuteness will certainly win your hearts.