National Mathematics Day 2022: World’s fastest human calculator’s take on Arithmophobia

The day not only acts as an occasion to observe the contribution of Srinivasa Ramanujan but also to make people aware of the importance of learning Maths.

Srinivasa Ramanujan

India has been a global leader for ages, being the epicentre of civilization and education. The country is known for producing the best of brains in all dimensions from arts and philosophy to mathematics. 

Mathematicians like Aryabhata, Bhaskara, Bramhagupta, and Mahavira have shaped the foundation of mathematics worldwide. The legendary mathematician Aryabhata (476 AD to 550 AD) is credited with inventing the numerical ‘zero’ as early as the 5th century- which was way before anyone around the globe had an idea about it. Meanwhile, Bramhagupta is known for the practical application of numbers for arithmetic purposes.