Alarming! Planet warming nitrous oxide emissions soared 40 pc in last 4 decades: Report

A study by the Global Carbon Project found that from 1980 to 2020, nitrous oxide emissions from croplands increased by 40% due to chemical fertilizers and animal waste. Notably, the gas's emission rate peaked between 2020 and 2021, adding significantly to global warming. The report emphasizes the urgent need to reduce these emissions to meet the Paris Agreement's temperature targets.

Alarming! Planet warming nitrous oxide emissions soared 40 pc in last 4 decades: Report

Use of chemical fertilisers and animal waste on croplands soared deadly emissions of nitrous oxide -- a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide or methane -- by 40 per cent between 1980 and 2020, according to a new report on Wednesday. 

The new report by the Global Carbon Project by a team of 58 researchers from 55 organisations in 15 countries showed that China, India, and the US were among the top 10 emitters. Brazil, Russia, Pakistan, Australia, Indonesia, Turkey, and Canada were the other top contributors.