Odisha Elections 2024: Niyamgiri Dongrias boycott polls demanding basic facilities, withdrawal of cases 

Expressing his unhappiness over various issues, Krushna Sikaka, a local resident said, "Maoist-related false cases are registered against the Dongrias. Hence, we are being harassed. Such cases should be withdrawn.”

Dongria Kondhs

Dongria Kondhs, one of the primitive tribes of the country living in the Niyamagiri area of Rayagada district have decided to boycott the upcoming polls demanding basic facilities and withdrawal of alleged false cases. They also fumed over the leasing of mines in Maliguda, Niyamgiri and Mali Parbat.  

As per reports, Dongrias drawn from 38 villages under the Kalyansinghpur Police limits gathered at Parsali and decided to boycott voting.