Odisha BJP demands immediate transfer of long-serving police officials

BJP leader Lekhashree Samantasinghar said, "There are many officers who have overstayed at their place of postings. Many of them have not been transferred for five, 10, and even 12 years since their postings. Their long service in one place is against the guidelines meant for free and fair elections.”  

BJP leaders on way to the CEO office in Bhubaneswar

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Odisha alleged that as many as eight police officials in the Bhubaneswar Parliamentary constituency have remained in the same place of posting for over 10 years and have not been transferred, which is a gross violation of the Election Commission of India (ECI) guidelines.

Voicing the issue, a delegation of the BJP met the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Odisha.