The Only Indian Festival For Covid Times - Elections

Away from the election, the rules for the common person awaiting the festivities are quite different. There have been several restrictions in Odisha ranging from the absurd to the downright bizarre.

The Only Indian Festival For Covid Times - Elections

There are two aspects to the celebration of festivals in India. One is the intimate association with rituals within the family space that makes sure that the festivities are not reduced to inane spectacles and the inherent sacredness of the time, and the events is preserved. The other aspect is the community based ostentatious celebration which marks a collective identity and is indeed the assertion of a living faith. One without the other, only serves the purpose of alienating us from the essence of our festivities which are not just ritualistic or spiritual but also communitarian. These are threads tying the individual and his/her faith to the larger group identity which is true to the Dharmic worldview of our land.

While the religious aspect of the festivities should be more than enough for framing an argument, there is also the economic angle for the occasional skeptic. Festivals are periods of intense economic activity, where the families at different socio-economic levels, open their purse strings to mark the period of celebration. From automobiles and electronics showrooms to the neighborhood street vendor, it is a period that comes with more promise and hope than other times.